作为俚语:还在夸别人handsome,good-looking已经过时了!快用新潮swag装点你的词汇库!夸人家帅哥具有一种新潮酷炫性感的style,就用上swag吧! 【例句】 I’ve got more swag than you do...
U can U up 典型“Chinglish”(中式英语)逆袭,该词被收入到美国俚语字典。翻译过来很好理解:“你行你上”意欲表达对于毫不费力的看客、说风凉话的伪评论家的嘲讽。比较有名的应用是今年...
The Oxford English Dictionary, considered by manywordsmithsas the gold standard for the English language, is one of those that will be targeted. It defines the noun as "an unstimulating, low-paid job with few prospects, esp. one created by the expa...
中新网3月21日电 据香港大公报报道,快餐巨头麦当劳准备发起一场攻势,旨在重新定义英国词典中的“McJob”(麦工)词条。因为麦当劳认为,那些词典里的定义,既不准确,也是对其雇员的侮辱。 《牛津英语词典》形容“麦工”是“没有能动性的低薪工作,尤其是没有前景。这是服...